Get Ready For IMPACT In 3, 2, 1...



November, 7th at 10:30 am PT | 11:30 am MT | 12:30 pm CT | 1:30 pm ET


Discover A Proven Way To Make Real Wealth & Live Life On Your Terms!


IMPACT Combines Spirituality With Sound Financial Strategies, Helping People Create A Life Of Real Wealth & IMPACT With Wallet And Heart Alignment.


Register Now To Join The Free IMPACT WORKSHOP

"Want To Ask Me A Specific Question?"

Submit a question you would like to ask me during the workshop! Get help and advice to work through your specific situation during the live sessions.


Are You Ready For Abundance In All Areas Of Your Life?


Let's Create Real Wealth.

I'll Help You Beat Debt & Break The Cycles.

I'll Teach You How To Manage Your Finances With Cash Flows (Not A Budget).


  • Sign Up To Register & Join My FREE Live IMPACT Workshop.
  • Learn How To Transform Your Relationship With Money & Yourself To Live Life On Your Terms With The IMPACT Method!
  • I Am So Excited To Help You Create Real Wealth In Every Area Of Your Life!

In This Workshop, We Will Discuss Personal Fulfillment & Happiness, As Well As Money.

If you seek satisfaction beyond money, a greater sense of purpose in life, and deeper and more meaningful relationships, I invite you to register and join my free IMPACT workshop.

It's Time You Get What You Are Worth & Desire.

Manifest Miracles By Transforming Your Relationship With Money.

Unpacking IMPACT

Testimonials  From Liz & Joey

Liz And Joey answered the call, as did so many of you! They wanted to share some of their experience and journey with IMPACT, working with me directly these past few weeks in the hopes it might inspire you to join us.


This Workshop Is Perfect For You If You Are Experiencing:

Emotions With Money

Are you a smart saver, but fear spending money? Do you have money but can't seem to 'buy happiness'?

Missing Love & Relationships

Are you career-focused and want to see how to bring more love into your life, friends, or a family?

No Time For Self

Are you family-focused & career, but are not happy and feel you have no time for you or your dreams?

Major Life Changes

Life can become overwhelming. A sudden influx of money, career change, divorce, loss of family member, retirement, etc.


Do you feel stuck? Like you aren’t making progress toward your goals (financially, professionally, or personally)?

Fear and Blocks

(Money & Happiness)

Blocks with money or emotions with money, limiting your happiness, wealth, or fulfillment?


Do you have a leaky container with crabs in your bucket? (If you don't know about this, make sure to ask to find out)

Bad Habits

(Money & Debt)

Trying to break emotional based spending habits (dancing with debt and your savings)?

Why Work With Julie?

  • Julie Murphy is an accredited financial planner and life coach with over 25+ years of proven experience generating real wealth for her clients.
  • She has coached hundreds of clients toward making their first million while also helping billionaires become wealthy in every area of their lives.
  • Julie is known to be your friend and mentor, helping you find what makes you giggle. That thing that's worth more than a million dollars, because of how it makes you smile and feel.
  • She has been featured on Oprah radio and CNN to discuss how our emotions and money are directly connected with tips to positively IMPACT both. 

Register Now To Secure Your Spot For Free & Join The Upcoming IMPACT Workshop:

Disclaimer: Beyond Your Wildest Dreams, LLC has no affiliation with LPL Financial, Sequoia Wealth Management, or JMC Wealth Management, Inc.